Kristina Lauzon
Writer & Creative Artist
Kristina Lauzon resides in Windsor,Ontario . Kristina loves to keep her hands busy with a variety of creative arts. (Zentangle, acrylic painting, paper quilling). Kristina is always eager to enter a local fair for a chance to win a ribbon in art categories.
Along with keeping busy with her artwork Kristina is also a freelance writer.
You can read her writing firsthand in this magazine.
Does Drinking Paint Make Me More Creative?
I have to say that as I have begun my “art therapy journey” one of the biggest discoveries is Paint Water.
Harrow Fair 2022
When it was announced in April 2022 that the 166th Harrow fair was back up and running, the fire of creative spirit fluttered inside me.
Art As My Therapy
March 2020 hit me like a tonne of bricks. Although I was listening to the news and staying current of global events, I don’t think anything prepared me for the reality of life in a True Pandemic.