Dennis K. Smith Fine artist

A profound appreciation for life and devout faith in God are immediately discernible in painter Dennis K. Smith’s landscapes, portraits and other works.

Smith, who was born in 1949 in Windsor, Ontario, Canada, is known for his expressive brushstrokes and ability to find inspiration for paintings even in the most humble scenes. He works to capture the emotional depth of a subject through painting with the hope of inviting interest that might not have existed before. His distinctive rhythmic brushstrokes, vivid color palettes and visual storytelling furthers that intensity and speaks to his love of music. Smith also tells these stories through drawing, printmaking, sculpture, and playwriting.

Apart from his individual practice, Smith is also an active member of the community and conducts art classes art at his LaSalle studio. He is the cofounder and president of The Artists of Colour, a collective of Windsor Black artists whose mandate is to encourage emerging and established artist the importance of telling their stories through the arts. Smith dedicated his decades-long career to the pursuit of beauty and honesty. He has exhibited in numerous shows including the Canada–Japan Exchange Print Exhibition held at the Chiba Shimin Gallery in Japan.


Maryam Safarzadeh


Laurel Storey